Lower leg, ankle and foot pain
No matter your lower leg, ankle or foot pain, Advantage Physio are here to support you and your rehabilitation
Achilles Tendonitis
Common sporting injuries in sports such as tennis, running etc. Tiny tears and inflammation cause pain in the rope-like structure behind the ankle. It is necessary to treat this well with a sports physio, so the problem does not reoccur.
Bunion Pain
Pain at the base of your big toe is usually caused by the toe pointing outwards. This wear and tear problem is commonly aggravated by flat feet, muscle weakness and poor biomechanical alignment. See also Osteoarthritis.
Calf Tear
Tennis players, runners and other sports enthusiasts commonly suffer from this problem. It can present as a very sharp pain in the back of the lower leg or can build up over time. It is vital to get treatment quickly as they can get worse. Responds well to massage and stretches from a sports injury specialist.
Collapsed Arches
Collapsed arches are otherwise known as overpronation, excessive pronation or flat feet. This diagnosis is usually treatable using orthotics which can give instant relief. We assess all biomechanical alignment between the back and the foot and muscle weakness as these are common causes.
After injuring my ankle, that I had injured some years previously too, and not being able to walk or run on it for a week I paid a visit to minor injuries. I was told I hadn’t done any major damage and to just rest it. 6 weeks later I was still limping so booked an appointment with Paul. I had a thorough consultation and he then taught me some exercises in their onsite gym to do at home. After a few months and appointments my ankle was back to full strength, and was better than before as I hadn’t rehabbed it properly after my first ankle injury. I was back to running with advice on how to improve my running style too and have had no further injuries.
Compartment Syndrome
Most commonly found in the lower leg where the pressure in this area is too high and causes pain. Can respond well to massage, acupuncture, and a good stretching programme. For stretching programmes, please contact Advantage Physio today.
Heel Pain
Can include Achilles’ tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, heel spur or an aggravation of the heel fat pad. A sports injury clinic must assess the problem and treat the symptoms and the cause (please see appropriate injury).
Heel Spur
Pain on the underside of your heel can result from a bony growth called a heel spur. It is usually excruciating and is closely related to plantar fasciitis.
Morton’s Neuroma
Pain under the ball of your foot is caused by the aggravation of a nerve between the toes. It is aggravated by walking or running or just standing on it. A Morton’s neuroma can also give pins and needles or numbness.
Osteoarthritis (OA)
OA is a fancy name for wear and tear that can happen in most of your joints, most commonly knees, hips, back, neck, shoulders, and fingers. The joints become worn like a rusty chain on a bike and cause pain. You may have acute episodes of aggravation and painful swelling. The cold and wet weather often aggravates it. Physiotherapy can benefit OA using treatments such as mobilisation, exercises, acupuncture etc.
Plantar Fasciitis
Typically, very painful under the heel, especially in the morning or on walking. Foot biomechanics and muscle tightness are commonly the cause and will be assessed during your first visit. It can occur in anyone from the sporty to the not so active. Responds very well to the combination of treatment that we can offer.
Shin Splints
Shin splints describe pain found along the front part of your lower leg. There are many causes for this and causes can vary from tight muscles or poor biomechanics to a tight nervous system. It is essential to have a thorough assessment to get the correct diagnosis and treatment. Book your assessment with a sports physio.
Sprained Ankle
One of the most commonly injured ligaments is on the outside of the ankle. Usually swells and bruises a lot on the injury site. It is essential to get this treated well as it is common to reoccur.

Image credit: MedlinePlus