Women’s health physiotherapy in Amersham & Chorleywood
Stress incontinence
Stress incontinence can be due to pelvic floor weakness and can cause a loss of urine during physical exertion, e.g., sneezing, running, coughing. A physiotherapist can treat stress incontinence with pelvic floor exercises, bladder diary and training, and diet and fluid intake advice.
Urge incontinence
Urge incontinence will be a sudden need to go to the toilet immediately. If you don’t make it to the loo in time, you may leak some urine. Can be treated with pelvic floor exercises, deferment strategies, bladder diary and training, and diet and fluid intake advice.
Rectus abdominus divarication
Divarication can occur after pregnancy. It results from the left and right rectus abdominal muscles (six-pack muscle) separating. Treatments include gradual strengthening and exercise progression of the abdominal muscles (rectus, obliques, and transverse), provision of belt or Tubigrip, advice on lifting and posture.
Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain
It is a common condition in pregnancy caused by stiffness or jerky movement of the joints at the front and the back of the pelvis—also known as SYMPHYSIS PUBIS DYSFUNCTION (SPD). Discomfort can be felt over the pubic bone at the front of your pelvis, across the lower back or under the tummy. Treatments include gentle manual therapy, provision of a support belt, crutches if needed, and advice on ease and positions to avoid.
Other women’s health physio services we provide:
Acupuncture in Women’s Health
Bladder frequency and urgency
Menopause and anxiety management
Myofascial pain and pelvic pain