Yoga and Physiotherapy in Amersham & Chorleywood

Many injuries seen in a physiotherapy clinic today are caused by problems with posture, balance, coordination, flexibility, or movement control, all which yoga can help improve.

Small group classes and 1-2-1 yoga sessions are offered at the studio within our clinic. These sessions, run by our team of qualified yoga teachers, work closely with our physiotherapists to provide the best possible service and care to those attending sessions.

Sessions draw on Vinyasa, Restorative, Yin and Ashtanga Yoga theory and practice as well as Pilates and sports science to create a genuinely explorative and beneficial method for both body and mind, within a safe and structured framework.

Call Advantage Physiotherapy on 01494 764822 or email us to chat about your needs or for more information.

To view studio information, class schedules, pricing, and book yourself onto a class, please click here.

Meet our Yoga Instructor



Sarah’s offering as a yoga teacher is heartfelt & beyond the physical body. Sarah provides space for students to move as they need, to breathe well, and cultivate a sense of compassion to themselves.

 Sarah has been teaching yoga full time for about 8 years, with over 20 years of experience in dance & wellness.

 Sarah trained in classical dance at the Royal Ballet School and Central School of Ballet, so much of her movement inspiration is flowy and graceful! A few years after Ballet school, Sarah taught fitness classes and trained clients in gyms to become stronger & fitter but really enjoyed the psychological piece in creating new habits for healthier lifestyles.

 When she’s not running around after two young boys and lively chocolate Labrador, Sarah escapes to her own studio to practise and reset.