Comprehensive Support for Cycling Injuries

At Advantage Physiotherapy, we offer expert support for a wide array of common cycling injuries. Whether you’re a leisure cyclist, a competitive racer, or dreaming of conquering the Tour de France, our team is here to ensure you enjoy the health benefits of cycling in a pain-free manner.

Jens Voight, a cyclist competing in the Tour De France 2009, is considered high on the list of the worst competitive cycling injuries. Terrifying to witness, Voight was travelling at approximately 60mph when he hit a bump in the road and went over the front of his handlebars. Adding insult to injury, the photographer for the event narrowly missed running him over, being just behind when the accident happened. Voight suffered a fractured cheekbone and severe concussion. 

Last year, in 2023, Gino Mader, a competitive rider, lost his life after crashing during the Tour de Suisse. Mader crashed into a ravine during the last descent of Stage 5. He was rushed to hospital, but despite best efforts, he passed away a day later. 

Cycling Injuries and Physiotherapy Solutions

Cycling, while hugely beneficial, does come with injury risks. According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine, 117 injuries were reported from competitive cyclists between 09 and 10. Most injuries were found in the upper body, with wrists, shoulders, and elbows being the most common injury sites.

 Our physiotherapy services are tailored to address both overuse and traumatic cycling injuries. Overuse injuries often include knee pain, back pain, and Achilles tendon issues stemming from the sport’s repetitive nature. Meanwhile, traumatic injuries typically occur due to falls and crashes. Our focus is on promoting safe cycling practices while offering remedies for these common ailments.

Enhanced Focus on Bike Setup

An incorrect bike setup can lead to a variety of pains and cycling injuries. Issues such as faulty seat height, foot positioning, and handlebar distance can lead to excessive strain on the shoulders, neck, and lower back. Our physiotherapists offer advice on optimal bike setup to prevent these problems.

How to set up your bike correctly: 

  • Level and centre your seat
  • Adjust your seat height
  • Adjust your shoe cleats
  • Find the fore/aft seat position
  • Check handlebar height
  • Check handlebar reach
  • Check handlebar size

For more information, check out this handy guide from

Detailed Cycling Injuries Guide and Treatment

Fractured Collarbone

Problem: A prevalent cycling injury, typically resulting from a fall.

How our physiotherapists can help: Our physiotherapy treatment includes pain relief, immobilisation, and post-recovery exercises for shoulder strength and mobility.

Scaphoid Fracture

Problem: This wrist injury can occur when a cyclist falls and lands on their hand.

How our physiotherapists can help: We offer treatment that includes immobilisation, followed by exercises to regain forearm, wrist, and hand strength, which is crucial for managing the bike’s controls.

Muscle Contusions and Bony Bruises

Problem: These are common around the hip and thigh due to falls.

How our physiotherapists can help: Our approach includes immediate ice application, wound care, and gentle movement exercises to prevent stiffness and aid in recovery.

Knee Pain

Problem: Arising from repetitive knee flexing

How our physiotherapists can help: Our treatment involves a thorough knee assessment, followed by a tailored rehabilitation program comprising manual therapy, stretching, and strengthening exercises.

Neck Pain

Problem: Often a result of poor posture or bike setup

How our physiotherapists can help: Our physiotherapy program includes an assessment, rehabilitation exercises, and potential adjustments to bike setup for posture improvement.

Lower Back Pain 

Problem: Common due to the prolonged flexed position while cycling.

How our physiotherapists can help: We assess and suggest modifications to cycling posture, manual therapy and mobility exercises to alleviate pain.

Achilles Pain

Problem: Characterised by pain in the Achilles tendon

How our physiotherapists can help: Our treatment includes pain management, specific exercises for tendon repair, and potentially taping to aid a return to cycling.

Foot Pain

Problem: Stemming from constant pedal pressure

How our physiotherapists can help: Our approach includes assessing the cyclist’s saddle position, foot positioning, and the potential use of inserts to alleviate pain.

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Personalised Care for Every Cyclist

At Advantage Physiotherapy, our dedication extends far beyond standard treatment protocols. We pride ourselves on offering a holistic and comprehensive physiotherapy service meticulously designed to encompass every facet of cycling-related healthcare. 

From the moment an injury occurs, through the intricate journey of rehabilitation, and into the realm of post-recovery resilience and prevention, our goal is to ensure each cyclist returns to their passion for biking with enhanced strength and a greater sense of security.

Initial Injury Management

Our approach begins with prompt and effective management of the initial injury. This includes accurate diagnosis, effective pain relief strategies, and tailored treatment plans that address the specific needs of each cycling injury. We utilise cutting-edge techniques and evidence-based practices to kickstart the healing process, always aiming to expedite the return to cycling without compromising the quality of care.

Rehabilitation and Recovery

Recovery from a cycling injury isn’t merely about healing; it’s about regaining and improving the skills and strength needed for optimal cycling performance. Our rehabilitation programs are designed with this in mind, incorporating targeted exercises to rebuild muscle, enhance flexibility, and refine balance and coordination. 

We emphasise a biomechanical approach to rehab, considering each cyclist’s unique style and body mechanics to tailor a recovery plan that aligns with their specific cycling demands.

Post-Injury Conditioning and Strengthening

As cyclists transition from rehabilitation to regular cycling, our focus shifts to conditioning and strengthening. We aim to build a robust foundation that addresses the injured area and fortifies the entire body against future injuries. 

This holistic approach includes core strengthening, endurance training, and dynamic flexibility routines, all structured to support cycling’s specific demands.

Prevention of Chronic Issues

Preventing chronic issues is a crucial aspect of our service. We provide comprehensive assessments to identify risk factors, such as poor cycling posture or incorrect bike setup, which might predispose cyclists to recurrent injuries. 

Educating cyclists on proper techniques, offering guidance on ergonomic adjustments to their bikes, and suggesting lifestyle changes are integral to our preventative care approach.

Tailored Care for Every Cyclist

Recognising that no two cyclists are alike, our services are highly individualised. We cater to the needs of casual weekend riders, avid enthusiasts, and professional racers alike. Our physiotherapists, with their extensive experience and passion for cycling, are adept at adjusting their approach to suit the goals and abilities of each cyclist.

At Advantage Physiotherapy, we don’t just treat injuries; we nurture a cycling community. We’re committed to guiding each cyclist through their healing journey, helping them to achieve their cycling goals, and fostering a lifelong passion for this exhilarating sport.”